This relaxing technique can be added to any style massage you choose. Multiple smooth and warmed basalt stones are used throughout your session to further ease your muscles. Please let us know in advance you would like to add this service to your session so they can be prepared.
This relaxing technique can be added to any style massage you choose. Multiple smooth and warmed basalt stones are used throughout your session to further ease your muscles. Please let us know in advance you would like to add this service to your session so they can be prepared.
This relaxing technique can be added to any style massage you choose. Multiple smooth and warmed basalt stones are used throughout your session to further ease your muscles. Please let us know in advance you would like to add this service to your session so they can be prepared.
This relaxing technique can be added to any style massage you choose. Multiple smooth and warmed basalt stones are used throughout your session to further ease your muscles. Please let us know in advance you would like to add this service to your session so they can be prepared.
This relaxing technique can be added to any style massage you choose. Multiple smooth and warmed basalt stones are used throughout your session to further ease your muscles. Please let us know in advance you would like to add this service to your session so they can be prepared.
This relaxing technique can be added to any style massage you choose. Multiple smooth and warmed basalt stones are used throughout your session to further ease your muscles. Please let us know in advance you would like to add this service to your session so they can be prepared.
This traditional practice helps to further relax muscles and and increase blood circulation, speeding recovery from workouts and removal of toxins from the body.
Exfoliation with gloves and an added scrub will remove top layer of ruff, dry and cracked skin. After an application of a deep skin softening cream will be applied to seal moisture and soften the feet.